01 | Torah 101 Getting Started


Shalom, Shalom! Torah 101 has several purposes. First, to present information that will guide those who are new to the narrow path, so that they will know the basics about The Most High Yahuah, the mandatory requirements to serve him, and how to do those requirements correctly. Second, for those who are already serving Yahuah Elohaynu (Yahuah our G.O.D) these topics will sharpen your fundamental knowledge, thereby enabling you to teach others more concisely. We call these fundamental topics, Torah 101, Keeping The Covenant With Yahuah Elohaykah.

It is important to note that the word Torah means teaching(s) in Hebrew. In addition, the first five books of the bible are referred to as Torah, because they contain The Most High Yahuah’s written teachings for us. Unfortunately, the word Torah has been erased from the bible in almost all translations and replaced by the word Law. This simple change has led to huge misunderstanding of what the scriptures are asking us to do. Did you know that Yahuah’s Torah not only contains the commandments, but it also instructs us about topics like, hygiene, property law, construction, marriage and divorce, farming and gardening, clothing and apparel just to name a few. In short, Yahuah’s Torah teaches us the righteous way to live.

Before you proceed, please stop for a moment and meditate on this scripture, Shemoth (Exodus) 12:49 , Yahuah is speaking to Mosheh and Aharon (Moses and Aaron) and he states, "One Torah shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you". What do you think Yahuah is saying to the past, present, and future bloodline children of Yasharel (I.s.r.a.e.l)? (Read Shemoth 12:40-49  for context)

Exodus 12:49
Exodus 12:49

49 One Torah shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourns among you.

If you said that, 'Yahuah's Torah is for everyone, and from the very beginning, anyone regardless of bloodline (aka ethnicity) can serve the most high and be saved', then you are correct! So whether you are bloodline Yasharel or not, know that Yahuah Elohaykah (Yahuah your G.O.D) has a place for you in his kingdom as long as you keep his commandments, his statutes, and his torah (Bere'shiyth (Genesis) 26:4,5). For additional confirmation that Yahuah welcomes, protects, and provides for both bloodline and non bloodline Yasharel, please also read the prophecies of Yechezqel (Ezekiel), Miykah (Micah), and Yeshayahu (Isaiah). The prophecies are found at Yechezqel (Ezekiel) 47:21-23, Miykah (Micah) 4:1-5, and Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 56:1-7.


Why Is Torah 101 Important?

As stated above, Torah 101 is important because it teaches the basics about The Most High Yahuah, the mandatory requirements to serve him, and how to do those requirements correctly. Did you know that Yahuah’s commandents through Mosheh (Moses), to never add to, or take away from his Torah, have been broken thousands of times (Debariym (Deuteronomy) 4:2, 12:32)?  When you complete Torah 101, you will gain the ability to detect, and unravel some of the deception and changes carried out against all mankind by the fallen angels, evil spirits, and their human servants. Torah 101 will reveal exactly what Yahuah has said, thereby making it easier to see the lies the fallen angels and their servants have taught the entire world.

Exodus 12:49
Deuteronomy 4:2

2 You shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought from it, that you may guard the commandents of Yahuah Elohaykem which I command you.

Deuteronomy 12:32

32 What thing soever I command you, guard to do it: you shall not add thereto, nor diminish from it.

What You Will Learn

The first thing you will learn is the name of G.O.D represented in its earliest known written form. It is absolutely essential that you call upon the correct name of G.O.D when you pray! Next, you will learn what almost all bible based religions have gotten wrong about salvation, the old covenant vs new covenant, and spiritual Yasharel (I.s.r.a.e.l) vs literal Yasharel. The remainder of Torah 101 will focus on Yahuah’s fundamental commandments, statutes, and torah. Lastly, you’ll learn the steps required to establish a covenant with Yahuah for the first time if you are not bloodline Yasharel, or how to renew your inherited covenant with Yahuah if you are bloodline Yasharel.


We at Aleph Beyt are excited to share with you the previously hidden truths about our Elohiym Yahuah. We look forward to thousands of scattered sheep hearing the call of the shepards, gathering, and preparing to not only weather the storm that is on the horizon, but survive it! Todah rabah (thank you very much) for your interest in joining us in servering Yahuah Elohaynu!


  1. Torah 101 teaches the basics about what?
  2. What does the word Torah mean?
  3. The first five bible books are referred to as what?
  4. Who can serve Yahuah Elohiym?
  5. Are we allowed to add to Yahuah's commandments? 
  6. After completing Torah 101 you'll gain what ability? 

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