02 | What is the ORIGINAL Name of G.O.D?


Shalom, Shalom! The most important question you will have to answer in your entire life is, “What is the name of the most high G.O.D?” The answer to that question will literally determine if you live, or most certainly die. Yes, it’s that important! Thankfully, we know the answer, and the earliest known written form of The Most High’s name is written below.

YHWH - Yahuah

*Yad, the modern Hebrew "yud"/"yod" is a derivative of "yad"
*Waw, the modern Hebrew name is "vav"

The Most High’s name is read from right to left, and is written in the language most often called Pictorial Hebrew. The first letter is Yad (Y), the second, Heh (H), the third Waw (W), and the last is Heh (H); in English it spells YHWH. The Hebrew letter Yad (y-aw-d) is the symbol of an arm and hand; it means work, make, throw, worship; i.e. the functions of the hand. The letter Heh (h-ay) is a symbol of a person with their hands raised; it means behold, look, breath, sigh; i.e. what people do when looking or pointing at a great sight. The letter Waw (w-aw) is a symbol of an ancient Hebrew tint peg or hook; it means add together, secure, hook, nail.

The Most High Yahuah didn't explicitly break down the meaning of his name. To date, there are several interpretations but the most commonly accepted are "I am", and "the existing one".

How do you pronounce YHWH in English?

The exact pronounciation of The Most High's name is highly debated! We at Aleph Beyt acknowlege all of the different phonetic variations of his name, so long as the phonetic spelling is derived from the original letters in his name, Yad Heh Waw Heh (YHWD). Why? After 3500+ years, who can say with certainty the exact vowels Moses inserted in between the Y and H, the H and W, and the W and D? No one can! Therefore, what it is important is not the vowels a person decides to insert into YHWH, rather, it is the fact that a person is making a best effort to pronounce the divine name to the best of their ability. To date, some people spell The Most High's name Yahuah, Yahweh, Yohoeh, Yahveh, Yahvoh, Yahvah, and Yahooah to name a few variations. Whichever spelling a person chooses is their personal choice and should be respected and acknowledged.

Commandment Sapphire Tablets

Other names the most Used

Did you know the Most High Yahuah was referred to by two lesser known names? In Shemot (Exodus) 3:13-15, Mosheh asked Yahuah what name should he tell the children of Yasharel to call him, Yahuah replied, "Ehayah Asher Ehayah ... thus shall you say unto the children of Yasharel, Ehayah has sent me unto you".  There are several interpretations of Ehayah Asher Ehayah, but the most commonly accepted are "I am who I am", "I am that I am", "I was I am I will be", and "I will be what I will be" to name a few. The word Ehayah is mentioned approximately 43 times in the Hebrew texts.

Exodus 3:13-15
Exodus 3:13-15

13 And Mosheh (Moses) said unto Elohiym, Behold, when I come unto the children of Yasharel, and shall say unto them, the Elohai of your fathers has sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? 14 And Elohiym said unto El-Mosheh, Ehayah Asher Ehayah: and he said, Thus shall you say unto the children of Yasharel, Ehayah has sent me unto you. 15 And Elohiym said moreover unto El-Mosheh, Thus shall you say unto the children of Yasharel, Yahuah Elohai of your fathers, the Elohai of Abraham, the Elohai of Yitschaq, and the Elohai of Ya'aqob, has sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my mention unto all generations.

In addition to the name Ehayah, the Most High Yahuah was also called El Shaddai by Abraham, Yitschaq (Isaac), Ya'aqob (Jacob) and thier family members. In Shemot (Exodus) 6:2,3 Yahuah explains to Mosheh (Moses) when said, "I appeared unto El-Abraham, unto El-Yitschaq, and unto El-Ya'aqob, by El Shaddai, but by my name Yahuah was I not known to them". Yahuah first told Abraham to this name in Bereshiyth (Genesis) 17:1 when he said, "I am El Shaddai,; walk before me, and be perfect". The most common translations of the name El Shaddai is "G.O.D Almighty" and "G.O.D that is enough".

Exodus 6:2,3
Exodus 6:2,3

2 And Elohiym spoke unto Mosheh, and said unto him, I am Yahuah: 3 And I appeared unto El-Abraham, unto El-Yitschaq, and unto El-Ya'aqob, by El Shaddai, but by my name Yahuah was I not known to them.

Why call him YHWH instead of EHAYAH?

There are three reasons we most often use the name Yahuah (YHWH) instead of his other valid names like Ehayah and El Shaddai. First, we are simply being obedient. In Exodus (Shemot) 3:13-15, The Most High specifically told Mosheh (Moses) to call him Yahuah. Second, Yahauh wrote his name himself on the sapphire commandment stones, and he intended the childern of Yasharel to see his name etched in stone, generation after generation. Third, his name Yahuah, is found in the scriptures roughly 7000+ times. Unfortunately, most Bible translations purposedly replaced his divine name with titles like GOD and LORD.

Yahuah's Debariym (Commandments)

Did you know The Most High Yahuah wrote his name on the two commandment stones himself? Did you know the commandment stones contain more than just 10 commandments? Did you know the commandment stones are made of sapphire? Modern movies and shows that reinact the creation of the commandment stones are deceptive and extremely inaccurate unfortuntely. In order to learn the truth, we simply have to examine the scriptures found at Shemoth (Exodus) 24:12, 31:18, 32:15,16, and Debariym (Deuteronomy) 9:10 below.

Tablet Front View
Exodus 24:12, 38:18
Exodus 24:12

12 And Yahuah said unto Mosheh, Come up to me into the Mount, and be there: and I will give you sapphire stones, and a Torah, and commandents which I have written; that you may teach them.

Exodus 31:18

18 And he gave unto Mosheh, when he had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Ciynai, two sapphires of testimony, sapphire stones, written with the finger of Elohiym.

In Shemot (Exodus) 24:12 and 31:18 notice Yahuah stated very clearly that (1) the commandment stones are made of the gem sapphire, (2) the stones contain both his Torah (aka teachings) and commandments, and (3) he wrote them himself, not Mosheh (Moses)! This is a very important point to note. Why? Many bible based religions incorrectly call the Old Testament commandents the Mosaic Law, as if Mosheh wrote them himself. That simply is not true. Yahuah's Torah was written by Yahuah for our instruction, and Mosheh was given the responsibility of teaching them.

Tablet Side View
Exodus 32:15,16
Exodus 32:15,16

15 And Mosheh turned, and went down from the Mount, and the two sapphires of the testimony were in his hand: the sapphires were written on both their sides; on the one side and the other were they written. 16 And the sapphires were the work of Elohiym, and the writing was the writing of Elohiym, graven upon the sapphires.

Shemot (Exodus) 32:15,16 add additional details that are also important to note. Notice, the verse clearly states the fact that Yahuah Elohiym wrote on both the front and back of both sapphire stones. As we examine the next verse, it will become very clear, that this is another key scripture that help expose the false doctrines taught to almost all bible based belivers.

Tablet Back View
Deuteronomy 9:10
Deuteronomy 9:10

10 And Yahuah delivered unto me two sapphire stones written with the finger of Elohiym; and on them was written according to all the words, which Yahuah spoke with you in the Mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.

Debariym (Deuteronomy) 9:10 adds the final piece to the puzzle that unravels the false narrative about the 10 commandments. Notice Mosheh clearly states that Yahuah wrote ALL the words he spoke with them that day on the two sapphire stones, NOT just the 10 commandments! Put another way, Yahuah personally wrote all that he spoke on that day, starting in Shemot (Exodus) Chapter 19, and ending in Chapter 23. Next, in Chapter 24, Yahuah gives Mosheh the tablets, and instructs him to use them to teach the childern of Yasharel.

Therefore, for this and several other reasons, we at Aleph Beyt have concluded that the last sentence in Shemot (Exodus) 34:28, was added to the Torah inorder to deceive the entire world. Next, we will examine that scripture and point out the multiple contradictions it contains.

Exodus 34:28
Exodus 34:28

28 And he was there with Yahuah forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the sapphires the words of the covenant, the Ten Debariym.

So far we have examined five verses regarding the creation of the sapphire commandment stones. However, the last sentence of Shemot (Exodus) 34:28 is the only one that is not in harmony with the other four. Notice it states, "[Mosheh] wrote upon the sapphires", but this directly contradicts the other four verses which state, "the writing was the writing of Elohiym", "written with the finger of Elohiym". Clearly, the statment that Mosheh wrote the commandments was added. Next, it states that what was written are "the Ten Debariym (Commandments)", however the previous scriptures make it clear that "the sapphires were written on both their sides", and "on them was written according to all the words, which Yahuah spoke ... in the Mount ... in the day of the assembly".  Without a doubt the statement that only ten commandments where on the sapphire stones was added. Again, for these reasons, we at Aleph Beyt have concluded that the last sentence of Shemot (Exodus) 34:28 was added to the Torah inorder to deceive the entire world. 

The addition of that sentence in verse 28 also fullfilles the four prophecies stated at Debariym (Deuteronomy) 4:2, 12:32, Daniyel (Daniel) 7:25, and Revelation 22:18,19.

NOTE: Additional verses that state Yahuah wrote the commandments himself can be found at  2 Kings 17:36-38, Ezra 7:6, and Nehemiah 9:12-14.

Never Forget These Facts

  • Yahuah wrote commandments himself, not Mosheh.
  • Yahuah engraved his name in the commandment stones.
  • The commandment stones are made of sapphire.
  • The commandment stones are written on front and back.
  • The commandment stones contain all the commandments Yahuah spoke that day, not just ten.


We at Aleph Beyt are excited to share with you the previously hidden truths about our Elohiym Yahuah. We look forward to thousands of scattered sheep hearing the call of the shepards, gathering, and preparing to not only weather the storm that is on the horizon, but survive it! Todah rabah (thank you very much) for your interest in joining us in servering Yahuah Elohaynu!


  1. Who wrote the commandments?
  2. Did Yahuah write his name himself? Can you write it?
  3. What precious gem are the commandment stones made of?
  4. Which side of the stones are the commandments written?
  5. How many commandments are written on the stones? 
  6. Which name did Abraham call Yahuah?
  7. Is the name Ahayah ... 

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